Start a Business Under $20


Best Business Ideas You Can Start for Under $20

by Scott Allen

In tough economic times, not everyone has access to capital to start their business. If you only had $20 to start your own business, what business would you start? And how would you spend the $20?

Wholesale Agent

Wholesale is a business which requires $20.00 or less. ( In my case, $3.00) Requires no website, profit is made up front. No warehouse is actually needed.

Window Washing

In college whenever I was short of money I would get a bucket, vingegar, sponges, a ladder or two and some of my roomates and go to upper socio enonomic neighbor hood and knock on doors. Lady would you like your windows washed ??? At a dollar a window and one guy inside and one outside you can know a house off in about a hour and make sixty to one hundred dollars an hour. Obviously today you would charge more thant my price of forty years ago but you should still be esitmating at about 100 dollars per hour for two people. Dress clean and respectable and practice your presentation go to the library and print up some flyers and work a neighborhood.
—Guest Dick Zanglin

Try GDI (global domains international)

I have had some experience with GDI, or global domains international, and they seem like a very credible company. They can give you a website for $10 per month, and that includes a site builder and a free domain name with it. In there is also an affiliate program that has some serious potential. The GDI website name for the company of theirs is Hope this helps a little bit.
—Guest Sam Surgalski

Help people get coaching and training

A brand new business has been started by Brian Tracy called It costs only $20 to get into & educates individuals or companies who want an edge in these times. For those who want to succeed in spite of this downturn, they can just replace the cable with an educational on-line channel and learn as much as they want every day. The biggest difference between those who suceed and those who don't is not who they know, but what they know. I learning Global has a great faculty including T Harve Echert, John Grey, Ivan Misner, and so many more. This business was only officially kicked off just last week in Los Vegas. It is rare that we hear about these things when we have the chance to get involved on the ground floor, so this is a great find for anyone who loves learning and recognizes a good thing when they see it. Everyone will be hearing more about this very soon and will wish that they had read about it when you did. Check it out and get involved with me.
—Guest Mary Jane Gilson

Become a consultant

Based from home, become a consultant but make sure you read plenty of the top books in the field!
—Guest Sam

Paper Bag Business

These days people and the government are going gaga over environmental issues. You can start a business of paper bag and sell it to the shops in your neighbourhood. It so easy, you can start the business with very less money. All you need is some old newspapers which you can collect from the houses either in your neighbourhood or from your friends and relatives and your own home to begin with, some glue, & a scissor. Start making paper bags of various sizes and sell it. You can also talk to some shopkeepers or grocers to shift to using paper bags if they aren't already using them. So start your journey of doing your part towards Green Earth and re-using and also earn from it.Build your business just like any other business to wider areas and new & enhanced products.

My Daughter - The Middle Person

My daughter is young, internet savvy, and got a digital camera for Christmas. Her grandmother is older and not so savvy, but makes jewelry as a hobby. My daughter proposed taking pictures of the creations posting on auction sites and creating a "catalog" of grandma's work to show teachers, etc. She charges grandma 20% of every sale. Costs: 100 sheets high gloss photo paper - $8.49; Digital camera (borrowed/presumed); printer (borrowed/presumed) OR Fed Ex Kinkos OR build a catalog at for $12.95 and E-Bay insertion fees, 8 items for about $7-8. Now... she has asked about selling grandma's car.
—Guest lawboop

Become A "Documentalist"

In 1979, I created a totally NEW business after I left a field I had been un-fulfilled with for 20 years - banking. What triggered my new venture came from serving as a juror and seeing an unmet, but urgent, need of so many tragedy victims. That need was for ways to more effectively communicate to decision makers, (courts, lawyers, juries, doctors, police, etc) the sequence of events that led to a tragedy. Since I am well into the "winter of my life" I feel I must teach others how to provide the laudable service of a "documentalist". I believe that anyone interested in this field should first know as much as they can about me. The best way to do that is invest in a copy of my book, which is available at: If my book makes sense and you believe you have what it takes to become a documentalist apply the remainder of your $20 on written material about yourself that will help you become one of the 1st of 10 we want to certify as a documentalist. No tuition.

Buy a Domain!

I would buy a domain name. It is hard to do business today in any field without a website!


Posted by Jojo at 11:03 PM  


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